Marketplace Guidelines
We are working hard to keep the marketplace safe for both buyers and sellers. So we ask that everybody keeps it neighborly. Buyers and sellers on TJ Retails marketplace platform are real individuals. Buyers: Some of our sellers are not retailers or sales professionals, treat them with respect. Sellers: Only list items you intend to sell. At the right price you intend to sell it for. For any negotiable items list them as an auction item.
TJ Retails prohibits the listing or sale of any item that is set forth in the list of prohibited items. If a Seller lists a prohibited item, it will be deemed to be a violation of our Terms of Service regardless of whether the Seller acted intentionally or not. If TJ Retails determines that a listing is in violation or is otherwise inappropriate TJ Retails may, at its discretion, remove the listing and cancel any related transactions up to and including termination or suspension. TJ Retails may not be used in connection with any product, service, transaction or activity that in general:
- Violates any law or government regulation, or promotes or facilitates such action by third parties;
- Is fraudulent, deceptive, unfair or predatory;
- Causes or threatens to damage TJ Retails reputation;
- Violates the terms of any bank, card or electronic funds transfer network;
- Results in or creates a significant risk of chargebacks, penalties, damages or other harm or liability
Keep it legal.
We follow the law. So all listed items must be legal to sell and legal to ship — under federal, state and local law. If you don’t own it, don’t sell it.
We are also required to comply with the regulations of the payment processors and other partners that we work with. Check out our full list of Prohibited Items below for more details.
Keep it safe.
At TJ Retails Marketplace, all items are ship by the sellers. There is no meeting up with strangers in strange places. To keep you safe, we ask that all transactions take place in the platform. We can’t protect you if your sale or purchase takes place offline. And all communication between sellers and buyers should go through TJ Retails customer service agents.
Prohibited Conduct
The Following conducts are prohibited in TJ Retails Platform or any subsidiary platforms of TJ Retail Place, Inc.
- Encouraging payments outside of TJ Retails platform
- Proposing or completing a transaction in person or off of our platform
- Proposing a trade, exchange, partial exchange, or swap
- Two members reducing the price of their own items and purchasing from each other
- Requiring or encouraging a direct transfer of a product
- Shipping using your own shipping method
- Selecting inappropriately priced shipping labels
- Proposing payment for all or part of the item on delivery
- Returns unauthorized by TJ Retails
- Asking a Buyer to rate a transaction before the item is received
- Using TJ Retails for the purpose of money laundering
- Using TJ Retails to buy and sell from yourself, or to request funds for yourself
- Using TJ Retails for the purpose of utilizing shipping labels for your benefit
- Providing invalid tracking/shipping info
- Having multiple TJ accounts
- Creating a new account after being limited or permanently banned
- Creating a new account to bypass restrictions on another account
- Earning TJ Retails Credits through multiple accounts
- Impersonating a business or other accounts in your user name or description
- Providing false information when registering for or validating any account information
- Providing false information for W-9 or other tax related inquiries
- Listing a Prohibited Item
- Creating multiple listings of the same item
- Excessive reposting of previously listed items
- Listing an item that is not actually for sale
- Listing items without the intent to sell
- Listing items with the intent to sell to certain users only
- Using any stock or advertisement photos
- Using photos that you do not own or have not taken yourself
- Using another member’s photos or words without their consent
- Using watermarks, symbols or other representation that you are a preferred seller or trusted user or any other statement not specifically curated by TJ Retails
- Listing an excessive amount of or inappropriate search keywords
- Setting unrelated categories
- Setting a false brand
- Listings that do not specify size, color, quantity, etc.
- Listing free items for purchase
- Promoting or advertising the use of TJ Retails Credits
- Listing another user’s personal information in a manner other than specified by TJ Retails
- Listing a single product with the purchase price divided into multiple parts
- Listing items not in your possession, shipping from a third party or stating the item will be shipped at a future date
- Soliciting users to an external website
- Soliciting transactions to an external website
- Soliciting users to provide personal information
- Soliciting other users to list Prohibited Items or engage in Prohibited Conduct
- Asking for users to rate before the item is received
- Threats
- Slander
- Trolling
- Indecent behavior
- Spamming
- Copyright infringement
- Posting false information
- Actions for the intentions of dating
- Sending chat messages/emails intended to threaten, degrade, or harass another user or our customer service team
- Listing items associated with hate groups or glorifying violence
- Sending messages or listing items with racial slurs
- Listings or messages that provide false information
Prohibited Items
The following items are prohibited from selling in TJ Retails Marketplace.
- Anything illegal
- Drugs including:
- Illegal drugs or narcotics
- Prescription medicines or devices, pharmaceuticals, or behind the counter drugs
- Products, tools, or services specifically offered or intended to be used to create or use drugs
- Grow ingredients for drugs (such as seeds for cannabis plants)
- FDA restricted items such as food, homemade food, food supplements, vitamins, diet products, muscle enhancers, home remedies and homemade cosmetics (any ingestibles):
- Listings or items descriptions that offer miracle cures such as “cancer protection”
- Listings that make false health claims or misuse terms (such as “virus”, “epidemic”)
- Items that contain cannabidiol (CBD)
- Inflated prices where listings attempt to profit from tragedies and disasters (such as “paradise fire”, “coronavirus outbreak” etc)
- Stolen goods:
- Note: If a purchased item is reported as stolen, a demand for return may be received from the victim or another party, and the item may be confiscated according to the regulations of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Act no. 131 of 1948).
- Counterfeit goods or goods infringing on a third party’s intellectual property rights:
- Listings of non-brand, non-genuine, imitation, fake, or replica
- Items in violation of a copyright, including handmade, or other items with copyrighted characters, brand logos, etc.
- Note: For brand-name products, serial numbers or receipts must be available when listing the item.
- Weapons including:
- Firearms and firearm parts; including airsoft and bb guns
- Ammunition and ammunition components
- Knives, such as switchblades, hunting knives, pocket knives, butterfly knives, knives that are concealed or hidden within other objects, or are made of materials that cannot be detected with a metal detector.
- Note: Kitchen cutlery and multitools that include knives are permitted.
- Explosives or military ordinance
- Self defense items, including military-grade items.
- Alcohol
- Tobacco products:
- Cigarettes
- E-cigarettes, e-hookahs, or other vaporizing instruments that contain nicotine or are associated with tobacco or nicotine usage
- Vaporizing liquid without nicotine
- Items used for identity theft (such as account credentials, user login information, and/or account access codes)
- Any item that contains a computer virus, malware, or spyware
- Items not in your possession:
- Dropshipping
- Advertisements or listings for objects being sought
- Items you do not currently have, or that are on order, or will be shipped at a future date
- Coupons to purchase products
- Items that are a safety hazard
- Restricted from shipping in the mail or other delivery services
- Products that have been recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission
- Note: Flammable or combustible liquids and any other items that require special mailing or handling instructions must be sent using the ship on your own option.
- Products designed to circumvent copyright protection techniques or otherwise facilitate the unlicensed use of copyright materials (such as “mod chips” to break the encryption on game computers to allow the playing of unlicensed game copies)
- Age restricted products or products that require a legal approval, seller/buyer registration or licenses to be sold
- Gambling, including using this service for raffles and mystery purchases, or selling lottery tickets and pull tabs.
- Regulated financial products and services such as:
- Bonds, securities, warranties and insurance
- Cryptocurrency
- Currency exchange
- Buying and selling gift cards or prepaid cards
- Selling precious metals, including gold, silver, and platinum sold in any medium.
- Selling loose (unset) precious gemstones such as rubies, sapphires, diamonds, and emeralds.
- All live animals
- Taxidermy, wet specimens or trafficked materials (such as ivory or shark fins)
- Note: Bones, claws, pelts, and teeth are permitted if they are not from protected species
- Humans, human body parts, organs, cells, blood, body fluids, and items that are soiled with human materials such as used underwear
- Explicit items:
- Pornographic or obscene materials
- Sexually related items such as sex toys and fetish items
- Offensive listings:
- Items, listings, photos or content that promote or glorify hatred, violence, racism or discrimination aren’t allowed (determined at our discretion).
TJ Retails may take any of the following actions on an account that has violated our Policies or if we suspects prohibited conduct has occurred:
- We may contact Users or utilize a third party verification service to verify a User, an account or listing information.
- We may remove an item, refuse a user access to or suspend a user from all or part of the Service until the completion of such verification.
- We may prohibit a user that is terminated for engaging in any prohibited conduct from using and accessing any future services provided by TJ Retails or any subsidiary of TJ Retail Place.
- We may hold funds after a suspension or termination to cover chargeback/funds reversal risk or refunds arising from Prohibited Conduct as stated in our Terms of Service.
- We may pursue legal actions depend on the violation(s).
The list of Prohibited Items and conducts may be updated from time to time at our discretion. Examples of items that fall under certain categories may also be expanded to provide better communication. And we have the right to remove any items if they violate our guidelines.
Updated on: 02/12/2023.